Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Hartlepool Built - Summer Update

Latest news: Summer 2009

Over the next few months we will be holding a series of Roadshows. If you have any information to add to the site, why not come along? You can have a cup of tea and a chat and we can scan any photographs or documents while you wait so there is no need to part with them.

The next Roadshow is at the Headland Library, Borough Buildings, Hartlepool, on September 12th from 10 am till 2pm

We have had a fantastic response so far. We would like to thank everyone who has attended and brought us photographs, information and documents. We will add them to the site as soon as possible.

Progress so far... Our small team of willing volunteers has so far added very basic information for every ship onto the site. We are currently adding name changes and once that is complete we can begin adding the photographs. Coming soon - crew lists and end histories! If you need information but can't wait for it to appear on the site, don't forget you can contact us. We are happy to provide whatever information we can and there are no fees apart from postage and copying.

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